Success Training Services

TAE40110 Has Been Superseded and the Importance of the TAE40116 Upgrade

The previous Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or TAE40110 has been superseded by the new TAE40116 Certificate IV Training and Assessment beginning on 1 July 2019.  


While both qualifications require a minimum of 10 Units of Competency:

  • The previous TAE40110 required the completion of 7 core units and at least 3 elective units.
  • The present TAE40116 requires the completion of 9 core units and 1 elective unit.


The 2 new Core Units are:

  • TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools.
  • TAELLN411 Address numeracy skills, literacy, and adult language.


A certain number of students may already have one or both of the required core units for the new TAE40116, possibly obtained as elective units under TAE40110. In this case, students will receive a credit transfer for TAEASS502 and/or TAELLN411 as part of the upgrading process.


Students holding both core units are only required to provide the additional evidence required for TAEASS401 and TAEASS403 and submit the new entry requirements. Apart from that, they will have to complete the relevant gap training through the new TAE40116 upgrade.


So, in general, Australians currently holding the superseded TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment need to qualify with the new TAE40116 upgrade Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.


The new TAE40116 upgrade provides the latest standard for workplace and vocational trainers in Australia. The new upgrade allows anyone to maintain their status as a fully-qualified trainer or assessor. In addition to acknowledging any current qualification and work experience, the latest upgrade course contains gap training for new units and competencies included in the new TAE40116 course.


To update any TAE40110 qualification holder, take the following steps:

  • Enquire now at Success Training Academy (STA) if you are employed/residing in the Brisbane, Gold Coast, or Cairns areas.
  • Provide a certified copy of the old TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment qualification or Statement of Attainment.
  • Provide evidence of any recent industry employment, professional development, and other experience relevant to vocational education and training.
  • Take the necessary TAE40116 upgrade gap training provided by STA.


The importance of the TAE40116 upgrade in relation to the VET sector

Many countries actually look up to Australia as an example of the highest quality training and quality products provided by the nation’s vocational education and training (VET) sector. In fact, Australia is one of only a few countries in the world with a highly successful vocational education sector.


Nearly 80% of VET graduates can get a job soon after completing their training. These vocational graduates in full-time employment earn a median annual income of around $55,000. Likewise, the top 10 occupations in a 2020 prediction to have the most jobs growth are all found in the VET sector.


Unfortunately, despite the extensive successes of VET sector certificate holders, Australia still has a culture where families and even secondary schools encourage students to take the university path as a first choice, rather than offering two options and letting the student decide where their passions lay.


If you feel you have the passion for continuing down the VET path through training and assessment by upgrading to TAE40116, visit Success Training Academy at

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